Allow me to introduce myself.
Before we get into it, I just want to say thank you for checking out my page. I'm truly blessed to have such a supportive community of clients and colleagues that are happy to recommend me. I'm also just honored if you just stumbled onto my page because you liked my photos. Either way, happy to have you here and impart some of the inside wedding industry knowledge I have to you. In this video I'll answer some questions I found on google, instagram, and my network circle that people have been curious about. You'll be able to gather a lot of information on how to maximize the quality of your photos, how to pick your wedding photographer, and a few professional questions for yours truly.
These are the questions I selected:
1) How long have you been shooting weddings and how many weddings have you photographed?
2)How would you describe your photography style?
3) Do you prefer to take candid photographs and blend into the background or are you visible and take charge?
4) Will you be the one to shoot my wedding day?
5) As a wedding photographer, what are you most afraid of?
6) When selecting wedding photographers, would should the couple ask the photographer to demonstrate?
7) When selecting wedding venues, what do you wish you could tell the couple?
8)How did you become a wedding photographer?
9)What can your clients do to get the most out of their photography session?
I hope you get something out of my answers and I'm looking forward to delving even deeper into the ins and outs of your wedding day!
Ps. Please forgive my cats. They can not be controlled.